
Version 2


A writer’s life isn’t just about life while writing, it’s about all the writer’s life that’s gone before the writing. The bumps and twists, the joys and beauty of places and people. So here’s a bit of the shape of my life that shapes my stories.

I grew up in Minnesota where life centered on family and friends, outdoor activities, pets, music, and reading. And I guess I’ve always been a writer. At first it was short stories and terrible poetry. Then the fun writing stopped and I attended the university, eventually earning a doctorate in counseling from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

A psychotherapist, now retired, for thirty-five years, I have a passion for encouraging people. One of my favorite truisms is: You can’t pour from an empty pitcher.

I’m writing for fun again, and I hope that my fiction not only entertains but pours into readers’ deepest needs.

Wisconsin has long been home and life still centers around family, friends, outdoor activities, pets, music, and reading. In the winter you’ll find me on the ski slopes; in the summer you’ll find me wishing I were on the ski slopes. I enjoy traveling, especially to England and Scotland. And I have a revolving list of hobbies.

Lastly, but really first, my Christian faith is the core of who I am. It’s my hope. “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

